Buildings produce 40% of worldwide CO2 (UN). To reduce this, millions of sustainable retrofits are needed, all driven by people: owners, residents, managers.
At TU Eindhoven we do behaviour- and big data-based research and build tools to support the varied mixture of owners, residents and managers in energy transition. Special attention goes to social housing where vulnerable low income tenants live. See left panel for games and tools to stimulate adoption of retrofits in communities; see right panel for tools and webplatforms to predict and optimize societal effects of retrofits.
Energy transition is faster and cheaper if communities (blocks, complexes, neighbourhoods) invest collectively. We develop tools to find optimal solutions for communities, when members differ in their preferences for environment, comfort, cost.
Social housing associations need by law 70% support from their tenants, to perform a retrofit. Involving tenants in an early stage is thus crucial. EngD student Taanis Karigar developed a GAME-OF-CHOICE to co-create with social tenants when no concrete retrofit plans yet exist for their houses.
This game-of-choice describes possible retrofits in terms of USER EXPERIENCES. For example, roof insulation becomes 'no draught in the attic', facade insulation is 'house warmer in winter, cooler in summer'. In the game tenants share their valuation for these user experiences. A WEBPLATFORM built for the housing associations makes the inverse translation and can predict tenant support for a large set of different retrofit measures. Video about game-of-choice Video about webplatform EngD Thesis Dutch article
Initially energy and CO2 savings were the primary goals of energy transition. Recently, also social impacts like poverty, health, comfort improvements and behavioural responses have been gaining political importance. We assess these social impacts by using individual linked data, behavioural modelling and new smart technologies.
Cutting carbon emissions and reducing energy poverty are two urgent objectives in the public housing sector. But do we have to compromise on one objective to realise the other? PhD-student Vincent Roberdel, in collaboration with BEL project partners, followed 1M social houses during 10 years, to evaluate the effects of insulation retrofits on poverty, comfort, environment, health.
Article finds large differences in energy savings among households.
Paper shows that up to 20% insulation benefits come from comfort.
Paper finds that 4% fewer children have asthma and allergy complaints in upgraded homes.
Energy retrofits have large effects on low-income households, especially those facing poverty. The energy bill, living comfort but also behaviour and health of people may change. BEL follows 1M households in public housing during 10 years using restricted access individual linked data and evaluates the effects of energy upgrades. Results are used to make tools for social housing associations, to prioritize the millions retrofits and to communicate with tenants.
Video left is a 2 min field visit to a renovation site of project partner Woonbedrijf.
How large are comfort improvements brought about by energy retrofits? Are these much larger for energy poor people? Master student Luc Snoeren collaborated with the Eindhoven Klusbus to find this out. The municipality-financed Klusbus drives in various neighbourhoods of Eindhoven to offer thousands of residents small energy-efficiency home improvements free of charge.
Van Casteren T, Ossokina IV, Arentze TA (2024), Do you listen to your neighbour? Block leader effects in community-led energy retrofits. Energy Research & Social Science 111: 103472
Ossokina IV ed.(2023), Menselijke kant van energietransitie in woningen: gedrag, data en digitale tools, Themanummer Real Estate Research Quarterly 22: 99-163.
Ossokina IV, Karigar T, Copier M, Van Waas J, Arentze TA (2023), Online co-creatie met huurders: methode voor vroege participatie en draagvlakmeting, Real Estate Research Quarterly 22: 119-131.
Roberdel VP, Ossokina IV, Karamychev VA, Arentze TA (2023), Grootschalige evaluatie van de effecten van verduurzaming: inzicht in de verschillen tussen de bewoners en hun gedrag, Real Estate Research Quarterly 22: 132-142.
Kaltenegger J, Ossokina IV, Rock M & Pauwels P (2022), ROTUNDORO: A web-based decision support prototype for housing refurbishments considering consumer preferences, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1085.
Tiellemans NHM, Kemperman ADAM, Maussen SJE & Arentze TA (2022), The influence of group decision making on residents preferences for sustainable energy measures of dwellings, Building Research & Information 50:410-423.
Ossokina IV, Kerperien S, Arentze TA (2021), Does information encourage or discourage tenants to accept energy retrofitting of homes?, Energy Economics 103: 105534.
Ossokina IV, Kerperien S, Arentze TA (2020), Verduurzaming van de huurwoningen: rol van motivatie en communicatie, Real Estate Research Quarterly January 2020.
Roberdel VP, Ossokina IV, Karamychev VA, Arentze TA (2023), Energy-efficient homes: effects on poverty, environment and comfort. Paper
Roberdel VP, Ossokina IV, Arentze TA (2024), Do home energy-efficiency upgrades improve resident health? Evidence from health care microdata records. Paper soon available
Nelissen, D. (2022), Integrating the gain, hedonic and normative aspects in a cost-benefit analysis and decision support tool for transition to natural gas-free neighbourhoods. MSc thesis Dutch summary English summary
Karigar MT (2022), Energy Transition in the Built Environment: Participation and Preferences of Social Housing Tenants. Engineering Doctorate (EngD) thesis
Kaltenegger JK (2021), Rotundoro: A web-based decision support tool for building refurbishment. MSc thesis
Khatchatrian S (2021), How to increase participation of social tenants in energy renovation of social housing. Summary Dutch Summary English MSc thesis
Kerperien, S (2019), Preferences of social tenants in energy efficiency investments and the effect of information provision Summary MSc thesis
Ioulia Ossokina and Jorg van Waas about Game-of-choice
Tanis Karigar about platform Prioritize
Julia Kaltenegger about platform Rotundoro
Podcast "Renters in the cockpit" about energy transition in social housing, by Dyon Noy (Atriensis) - Ioulia Ossokina (TU/e) - Zeno Winkels (Woonbond). LINK
Study afternoon City Eindhoven - TU/e Built Environment to celebrate 5 years of successful collaboration in research on energy transition. LINK
First workshop project PONG with RVO, NPLW and 6 municipalities about participatory approaches to phasing out natural gas .
Shray Juneja joined the BEL-project Large Language Models to predict and stimulate clean energy choices in homes. With Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and Woonbedrijf.
Invited talk by Ioulia Ossokina, Vincent Roberdel at CPB, the economic think tank of the Dutch government, about Welfare trade-offs of energy-efficient homes: poverty, environment and comfort. LINK
Grant awarded for project PONG with RVO, NPLW and 6 municipalities about participatory approaches to phasing out natural gas .
Publication by Tije van Casteren et al. about Cheap talk in community-led energy retrofits. LINK to article in Energy Research & Social Science
Special issue edited by Ioulia Ossokina about People's aspect of energy transition in buildings. LINK to the journal Real Estate Research Quarterly.
Interactive Workshop (Dutch) by TU/e, BEL, Woonbedrijf about People's aspect of energy transition: Science meets Public Housing. LINK to Photo and Report
Publication by Vincent Roberdel et al. about Welfare trade-offs of energy-efficient houses: poverty, comfort, environment. LINK Tinbergen discussion paper
Our projects are supported by various grants, including:
- Transitions and behaviour of the Dutch Research Council NWO: project BEL, financed by grant 403.19.230;
- MMIP 3&4 program of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate and the Ministry of the Interior & Kingdom Relations (IEBB).
Site idea and moderation: Ioulia Ossokina, Theo Arentze (TU Eindhoven).
Web development: Lorik Heijnen.
Contact: Ioulia Ossokina, research leader BEL and assistant professor TU/e,