Recent News:

  • 27/01/2025

    Podcast "Renters in the cockpit" about energy transition in social housing, by Dyon Noy (Atriensis) - Ioulia Ossokina (TU/e) - Zeno Winkels (Woonbond). LINK

  • 11/12/2025

    Study afternoon City Eindhoven - TU/e Built Environment to celebrate 5 years of successful collaboration in research on energy transition. LINK

  • 21/11/2024

    First workshop project PONG with RVO, NPLW and 6 municipalities about participatory approaches to phasing out natural gas .

  • 01/11/2024

    Shray Juneja joined the BEL-project Large Language Models to predict and stimulate clean energy choices in homes. With Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and Woonbedrijf.

  • 26/08/2024

    Invited talk by Ioulia Ossokina, Vincent Roberdel at CPB, the economic think tank of the Dutch government, about Welfare trade-offs of energy-efficient homes: poverty, environment and comfort. LINK

  • 01/08/2024

    Grant awarded for project PONG with RVO, NPLW and 6 municipalities about participatory approaches to phasing out natural gas .

  • 01/03/2024

    Publication by Tije van Casteren et al. about Cheap talk in community-led energy retrofits. LINK to article in Energy Research & Social Science

  • 15/02/2024

    Special issue edited by Ioulia Ossokina about People's aspect of energy transition in buildings. LINK to the journal Real Estate Research Quarterly.

  • 30/01/2024

    Interactive Workshop (Dutch) by TU/e, BEL, Woonbedrijf about People's aspect of energy transition: Science meets Public Housing. LINK to Photo and Report


    Publication by Vincent Roberdel et al. about Welfare trade-offs of energy-efficient houses: poverty, comfort, environment. LINK Tinbergen discussion paper

All news >

Our projects are supported by various grants, including: - Transitions and behaviour of the Dutch Research Council NWO: project BEL, financed by grant 403.19.230; - MMIP 3&4 program of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate and the Ministry of the Interior & Kingdom Relations (IEBB).
Site idea and moderation: Ioulia Ossokina, Theo Arentze (TU Eindhoven). Web development: Lorik Heijnen.
Contact: Ioulia Ossokina, research leader BEL and assistant professor TU/e,